2025 National Meeting
March 28 - 30
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2025 National Meeting
March 28 - 30
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

- The objects of the Federation, as laid down in the Articles, are: to make the wine producing regions of the world and the products of their vineyards better known and better appreciated
- To make consumers aware of the fact that wine has possessive patents of nobility and is a wholesome natural drink whose reason for being has been established since early time
- To seek, study and develop all appropriate means of undertaking publicity and promotion in order to focus the attention of consumers on wine as an international drink, and to educate consumers on the entire range of wines which nature provides
- To bring honor and distinction to those who produce wine, those who sell it and those who appreciate it
- To become acquainted with each brotherhood of the Federation
- To attract the interest of the general public and make itself newsworthy
- To give its activities an air of dignity, grandeur and originality so as to best impress upon the public the nobility of each brotherhood’s home products on which its activities are centered
FICB Address:

FICB Address:
Fédération Internationale des Confréries Bachiques
- The objects of the Federation, as laid down in the Articles, are: to make the wine producing regions of the world and the products of their vineyards better known and better appreciated
- To make consumers aware of the fact that wine has possessive patents of nobility and is a wholesome natural drink whose reason for being has been established since early time
- To seek, study and develop all appropriate means of undertaking publicity and promotion in order to focus the attention of consumers on wine as an international drink, and to educate consumers on the entire range of wines which nature provides
- To bring honor and distinction to those who produce wine, those who sell it and those who appreciate it
- To become acquainted with each brotherhood of the Federation
- To attract the interest of the general public and make itself newsworthy
- To give its activities an air of dignity, grandeur and originality so as to best impress upon the public the nobility of each brotherhood’s home products on which its activities are centered